Working at the Library

Some jobs at the library have specific requirements. A director, for instance, needs to have an MLS. In these cases age isn't really the issue directly, but in practice it becomes an issue, since it's pretty rare to earn such degrees before reaching the usual age: about 24 or 25 in the case of a master's degree.

Regular staff are generally beyond college age, though I don't know if that is a firm requirement.

However, the library also employs part-time shelvers, and they can be younger, even still in high school. Sometimes employees who start out as shelvers go on to become full-time staff later. I believe our longest-standing employee right now is someone who started as a shelver.

If you would like to apply for a job at the library, stop by the main desk and ask for an application. We accept applications at any time, even if we do not have a specific open position that we are looking to fill.Update: As of April 2009, we no longer accept applications except when a position is open. Watch the Job Opportunities page for openings.