Interlibrary Loan

On the one hand, other area libraries will not generally accept your Galion library card. Each library system has its own computer system, card number format, and so forth, so you need a library card for each library you want to use. Some library systems have multiple branches, and the same card would work for each branch within the system, but Galion is a single-library system. We have no other branches.

However, we do have a program called interlibrary loan, wherein if we don't have a particular book you want we often can borrow it from another library, and you can check it out right here in Galion. With interlibrary loan you don't have to worry about what library we get it from, because it comes here and you check it out from us. If there is a certain book you would like to get, but we don't have it in our collection, bring the author and title information to the main desk and ask about interlibrary loan.